yangushan The new parameter include-all-proxies=true is added to the policy group, which will include all proxy policies defined in the [Proxy] section, and can be used with the policy-regex-filter parameter for filtering.
HiGodfather Surge for mac Version 4.5.0 (1598) 配置: [Proxy] #!include dconf/Proxy.dconf [Proxy Group] All=select,list=Proxy test=select,list=Proxy,policy-regex-filter=hk All 和 test 的二级菜单中都没有任何节点显示出来,是还不支持吗?
mieqq HiGodfather [Proxy Group] All=select, include-all-proxies=true test=select, include-all-proxies=true,policy-regex-filter=hk