Starts from Surge iOS Build xxx and Surge Mac 4.0.0. You may use HTTP APIs to control Surge.
http-api = examplekey@
The API key must be filled in the 'X-Key' header for all requests.
GET /v1/events
X-Key: examplekey
Accept: */*
Basic Constraints
Only HTTP without TLS is supported currently. Surge only uses GET and POST methods.
- For GET method, you should use URL queries to send parameters.
- For POST method, you should use JSON body to send parameters.
Surge will always return a JSON body as a response.
Toggle capabilities
- GET /v1/features/mitm
- POST /v1/features/mitm
- GET /v1/features/capture
- POST /v1/features/capture
- GET /v1/features/rewrite
- POST /v1/features/rewrite
- GET /v1/features/scripting
- POST /v1/features/scripting
- GET /v1/features/system_proxy (Surge Mac Only)
- POST /v1/features/system_proxy (Surge Mac Only)
- GET /v1/features/enhanced_mode (Surge Mac Only)
- POST /v1/features/enhanced_mode (Surge Mac Only)
Use GET method to obtain the state of a capability.
GET Response example:
Use POST method to adjust the state of a capability.
POST Request example:
Outbound Mode
- GET /v1/outbound
- POST /v1/outbound
Use GET to obtain the outbound mode, and use POST to change it.
GET Response example:
POST Request example:
Possible modes: direct, proxy, rule
- GET /v1/outbound/global
- POST /v1/outbound/global
Obtain or change the default policy for global outbound mode.
GET Response example:
POST Request example:
Proxy Policy
List all policies.
- GET /v1/policies/detail?policy_name=ProxyNameHere
Obtain the detail of policy.
Test policies with a URL.
Request example:
{"policy_names": ["ProxyA", "ProxyB"], "url": ""}
List all policy groups and their options.
- GET /v1/policy_groups/test_results
Obtain the test result of a url-test/fallback/load-balance group.
- GET /v1/policy_groups/select?group_name=GroupNameHere
Obtain the option of a select group.
Response example:
{"policy": "ProxyA"}
- POST /v1/policy_groups/select
Change the option of a select group.
Request example:
{"group_name": "GroupA", "policy": "ProxyA"}
- POST /v1/policy_groups/test
Test a group immediately.
Request example:
{"group_name": "GroupA"}
Response example:
"results": [
"data": {
"ProxyA": {
"tcp": 48,
"rtt": 45,
"receive": 273,
"available": 213
"ProxyB": {
"tcp": 48,
"tfo": false,
"receive": 164,
"rtt": 51,
"available": 48
"ProxyC": {}
"time": 1595510609.6405091
"time": 1595510609.6405091,
"winner": "ProxyA"
List recent requests.
List all active requests.
Kill an active request.
Request example:
{"id": 100}
- GET /v1/profiles/current?sensitive=0
Obtain the text content of the current profile. If 'sensitive' is false, all passwords field will be masked.
Execute profile reloading immediately.
- POST /v1/profiles/switch (Surge Mac Only)
Request example:
{"name": "Profile2"}
Switch to another profile.
Flush the DNS cache.
Obtain the current DNS cache content.
Test the DNS delay.
List the available and enabled modules.
Response example:
"enabled": [
"available": [
"Game Console SNAT",
"Google Home Devices",
"MitM All Hostnames"
Enable or disable modules.
Request example:
"": false,
"Google Home Devices": true
List all the scripts.
- POST /v1/scripting/evaluate
Evaluate a script with a mock environment.
Request example:
"script_text": "The content of JS script",
"mock_type": "cron",
"timeout": 5
- POST /v1/scripting/cron/evaluate
Evaluate a cron script immediately.
Request example:
"script_name": "script1",
Shutdown Surge engine. If Always On is enabled on Surge iOS, the Surge engine will restart.
Obtain the content of the event center.
Obtain the list of rules.
Obtain traffic information.
Change the log level for the current session.
Request example:
{"level": "verbose"}