17:46:24.336292 [Rule] Rule matched: FINAL
17:46:24.336533 [Rule] Policy decision path: 🐟 漏网之鱼 -> 🔰 手动选择 -> 🇭🇰 Hong Kong Media 05
17:46:24.337091 [Socket] Use the last successful address: xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx
17:46:24.337437 [Socket] Connecting with address: xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx, use TCP Fast Open
17:46:24.365970 [Socket] Connected to address xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx in 28ms
17:46:24.366051 [Socket] Attempted to use TCP Fast Open but failed (tfo_heuristics_disable)
17:46:24.366119 [Connector] TCP connection established
17:46:27.458317 [Connection] Remote closed read stream (Half-closed)
17:46:27.495871 [Connection] Disconnect with reason: Closed by client