JohnSSSXXX 经常会进到一个Chrome错误页,说: Your connection was interrupted A network change was detected. ERR_NETWORK_CHANGED Reload 请问这可能是什么原因呢?请求查看器里查看相关的URL请求,都是绿色/正常完成请求的。
SurgeTeam 据我们观察到的情况看,该问题只会出现在 macOS Sonoma 和 Chrome/Edge/Arc 中。该问题和 Surge 无关,即使未安装 Surge 的设备也会遇到该问题。 目前没有暂没有经确认任何方式可以彻底解决该问题。不过重启电脑后一段时间内一般不会出现。
kozxpj52684 I've experienced a similar issue when having my iPhone paired with Xcode 15. Xcode 15 included a greatly improved wireless debugger and my theory is that that improved wireless connection is not only used for Xcode, but also for network tethering. I work in a room with spotty wi-fi using cable. When I have my iPhone paired (wirelessly) with Xcode I get lots and lots of ERR_NETWORK_CHANGED errors in chrome. Constantly. Unpairing the iPhone fixes the issue.